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Come join our amazing and exclusive private Facebook group. Introduce yourself, start networking and ask me any burning questions you have about building a profitable business you love.

Step #3

How amazing would you feel if …?

  • You only accepted high-quality ideal clients who appreciate you, value you and are happy to pay your price (no matter what it is!) and feel lucky that they found you – who become walking billboards for your work.

  • You could deliver your services in a way where you feel energized, lit up, and inspired. And you will leave work relaxed, fulfilled, and fully present for friends and family.

  • You could spend your work time indulging in your creative ideas, mastering the delivery of your service to your clients (less time hustling for new clients)

  • When you have a ROADMAP to close your first 4 figure package with ideal clients, you’ll know how to repeat it over and over again to reach 6 figures and beyond.

If you are TIRED of trying to piecemeal a solution together, and are ready for a comprehensive solution to ALL of these problems – I am willing to get on the phone with you this week for FREE to map a game plan to help you:

  • Get crystal clear on your goals.

  • Discover what has really been stopping you from attracting and converting only ideal clients

  • Learn what you need in place to sell your first (or more) 4 figure package

And avoiding ALL the potential pitfalls along the way, and saving a TON of time (and money!) in the process. AND – if you want me to help you, and I think it is a good fit, I might invite you to become one of the new clients I will take on this month.

There’s no charge for these consultations, and they are NOTHING short of life-changing ($997 value).

It is 100% FREE and there is NO CATCH, HOWEVER…

This is not for everyone.

This is ONLY for:

  • Service-based entrepreneurs who want a FULL time income in their business – who have the ability to package and price their service (and not a hobby!)

  • People who are 100% committed to delivering high quality results to your clients/customers

  • If you aren’t sure what you want to sell, or you are selling a product or someone else’s service, this is NOT right for you.

If you’re interested in speaking with me and learning how to finally, TRULY get unstuck…

Click here to book a free consultation with me

Liz Kohler

Liz Kohler, Family Odysseys

Before working with Kristen, my sales and profits were really terrible. Our total revenue was under $5,000. Each client would bring in a couple hundred dollars. I was not focused on what I can do better than anybody else. Working with Kristen, we got ultra focused. Right now I have ten clients I am working with and I don’t just take any business that comes our way. Now, most of my clients bring in $3k-15k per client. This month alone – I am looking at $50,000. We really know who the target market is, what message we want to convey, and what product I can give them. We now have much better clients who really value my experience, my expertise. They really want a wonderful experience and will pay somebody who is an expert to put that together.

I love going to work every day. I feel like I am really focused on what I can do for people and I really feel good about myself.

Stephanie Schottel

Stephanie Schottel, English Language Coach

Before working with Kristen, I was paid $16/hour. The work was stressful because I worked with many clients who were pushy and disrespectful. I was stressed and working too hard for such little money. And the stress was affecting my relationship with both my husband and daughter. Within 6 weeks of working with Kristen, I closed a $2150 contract – almost 5 times my previously hourly rate. And I believe now that what I teach has deep intrinsic value, and it’s a gift that I want to share with this world. Working with Kristen – I love that spirituality and mindset is an integral part of her process. Sure, it’s a numbers game at some level, but you have to dig deeper to reap the real rewards.